UN Day on Human Rights, Empowerment of Women and Girls!

UN Day on Human Rights,
Empowerment of Women and Girls!
October 24, 2014
Free Conference and Open to the Public

United Nations Association of Rochester (UNAR), is celebrating UN Day by focusing attention on human rights and specifically women’s equality in a half day conference in Rochester, NY. Registration is required.

The keynote speaker is City Court Judge Ellen Yacknin. Her strong background in human rights from prison issues to overseeing human trafficking will start the 8:15 AM conference. Panelists will lead in breakout discussion groups on the topics of Violence, Health Care, Children and Economics to examine inequalities for women and girls in their fields, both locally and globally.

UNAR has traditionally celebrated UN Day in the Rochester region publicly and in collaboration with other community and governmental organizations. This year the UN Day Conference will be held at The Strong Museum of Play from 8:15 AM until 12:30 PM.
E-mail reservations to unar@unar.org.

For more information Contact:
Margaret Corbin, UNAR VP Programs
corbinpih@aol.com, 585-329-5400