It’s February, and time to celebrate Black History all month long and Love on February 14th!

Keynote Speaker Rose O’Keefe, Author and Rochester History Buff
We were lucky to find the perfect speaker, for this month’s luncheon, Rose O’Keefe, has agreed to come and help us get a better understanding of how White, Black and Native American residents of the Genesee River Valley built our local history together. Rose has graciously offered to show us the historical video she created called “An Armchair Tour of Genesee Country: 1142 to 1872”.
After the video presentation we will discuss the video and learn about her most recent book Frederick and Anna Douglass in Rochester, NY: Their Home Was Open to All (History Press, 2013). The book tells the lifelong love story of married abolitionists Frederick and Anna Douglass. Here’s a short summary of the book:
“Despite living through one of our nation’s most bitter and terrifying times, Frederick and his wife, Anna, raised five children in a loving home filled with flower, fruit and vegetable gardens. While Frederick traveled extensively, fighting for the freedom and rights of his brethren, Anna cared for their home and their family and extended circle. Their house was open to fugitives on the Underground Railroad, visiting abolitionists and house guests who stayed for weeks, months, and sometimes years at a time. Local author Rose O’Keefe weaves together the story of the Douglass’ experience in Rochester and the indelible mark they left on the Flower City.”
A little bit about our guest speaker– Rose O’Keefe moved to Rochester, NY, after graduating from SUNY–Potsdam, and soon began exploring the Genesee River Valley and Finger Lakes region on camping outings with friends and family. A firm believer in making local connections, Rose is a member of Friends of Ganondagan, Friends of the Public Library, History Buffs Buffet, New Society of the Genesee, Rochester Historical Society, Rochester Area Children’s Writers & Illustrators, the Society of Children’s Writers & Illustrators and Whistle Stop Writers. She is also an officer in Toast Master’s Life Learners Club 4323, and the Business Association of the South Wedge Area.
Please come and enjoy a day out with your friends at AAUW on Saturday, February 8th.
RSVP by Tuesday, February 4th. Call our Events Director, Leslie Sellers at 585-435-7202 email: