Category Archives: Branch Blog

Tea and Titles

Tea and Titles
Wednesday, May 28, 2:00pm at the Perkins Mansion

LORA ALLEN will lead the discussion of “The Good Lord Bird” by James McBride.
Do join us for refreshments and active discussion. All are welcome to attend.

Co-chairs: Maureen May 385-1133 and Joy Kinz 392-7134

Annual Meeting

AnnualMeetingAnnual Meeting
Tuesday, May 27

Please come to our annual meeting on May 27 where officers, Board members and program chairs will speak to our membership about The State of our Branch, our accomplishments for the 2013-2014 year, elect 5 new officers, vote on changes to the by-laws and also vote on the proposed budget for the 2014-2015 year.

There are some great Board of Director positions up for election this year! If you’re curious to learn more about GRAB AAUW or would like to become more involved with its inner workings, running for a position on the Board of Directors is a great way to start. Our elections will be held on 5/27/14 at the annual meeting and dinner. If you’re interested in running or hearing more about the whole process, please contact Jean Arrowsmith at or 585-278-3964. Nominations from the floor will be taken at the annual meeting. If you are thinking of nominating someone from the floor, please make sure that the member will accept the nomination.

Attached is a brief the description of the board positions open.

The present Board of Directors would be grateful if you would consider running for one of these offices. Please get in touch and we can talk more about it.
Sincere Regards,

Jean Arrowsmith, Program V.P.


5:00 – 6:00 pm Social Hour
6:00 – 7:00 pm Dinner
7:00 – 8:30 pm Program

Tickets: $20
RSVP by Friday May 23 at 244-8890