Branch Dinner and Program

Date: Thursday, April 14, 2016
Time: 5 – 8 pm
Please join us on Thursday, April 14, 2016, from 5 – 8 pm, for GRAB AAUW’s April branch dinner and program to hear guest speaker Luticha Doucette talk about Intersection of Women’s Rights, Racism, and Disability Rights.

LutichaPlease invite your friends and family for the branch dinner and to hear guest speaker Luticha Doucette talk about Intersection of Women’s Rights, Racism, and Disability Rights.

Luticha is a former Ms. Wheelchair New York (2011) and was 2nd Runner Up at Ms. Wheelchair America 2012 with a platform of science education for those with disabilities. She has also served as a judge and head judge for the New York pageant. Her passion for science translated to her previous job as a researcher/bio-informaticist in genomics at the University of Rochester.
In the summer of 2015, she embarked on a different career path as a research analyst for the newly formed Mayor’s Office of Innovation and Strategic Initiatives, a data driven research and development team whose current efforts are focused towards reducing poverty in a targeted area in partnership with the Rochester Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative.

In her free time, she enjoys facilitating discussions on racism, serves as a peer mentor for people with disabilities and serves as a board member of Rochester Adaptive Adventures—a nonprofit organization founded by Luticha which focuses on bringing inclusive recreational activities into existing community programs. When not engaging in social justice, Luticha loves to fence at the competitive level, crochet, read, and loves to travel and has experienced great countries such as Hong Kong. In 2008, she was an ambassador to Costa Rica through Mobility International USA exchange.

April 14 Branch Dinner Menu is baked Chicken, green bean almandine, ziti with broccoli and mushrooms in white wine sauce, tossed green salad, and roasted potatoes with rolls and butter.
Cost $25 and $15 for students.

RSVP by April 11 to Stephanie at (585) 233-6180 or email: